Thursday, May 21, 2009

America Gets It Wrong: Kris Allen Wins 'Idol'

Did Kris Allen deserve to be named the American Idol winner? Let us know!

Kris Allen won season eight of American Idol! Dude has major talent!

Singer auditioned in Louisville, Kentucky, choosing the tune "A Song for You" by Leon Russell for his try out. His arrangement of "Ain't No Sunshine" during the week of popular downloads was an absolute classic.

He is a college student, majoring in business, which hails from Conway, Arkansas. Allen is 23 years old. His version of "Heartless" was one of the first-class memorable in the history of American Idol. It’s possible that the song led him victory.

Kris Allen finished an unbelievable journey this week by being named the eighth winner of the most admired show on television.

Unnoticed when the struggle began - at the beginning, Simon Cowell even recommended that Allen must remain his marriage a secret because he would only proceed based on his Personality - Allen shed his runner up label and overcame Adam Lambert in a tightly-contested finale.

What was Allen's response upon appealing? He said: "Adam deserves this. I'm sorry." group act.
Will Kris pursue in the winning path of past victors such as Carrie Underwood? Or the anonymous footsteps of champs such as Reuben Studdard?

Only time will tell. For now, let's just wish hearty best wishes to one of the most unpredicted winners in show history!

Winner!!! Check here!!!

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